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Cards can be used in light and dark themes. They act as a blank canvas where elements and styles can be placed inside.
All card variants are available on light and dark backgrounds.
Light background
Dark background
Cards can also set any of the six color palettes, to
create an emphasized or contrasting section of the page. Promo cards
can only use the Lightest
or Darkest
color palettes, while standard
promo cards can only use the Lighter
or Darker
Cards are secondary layouts that shouldn’t command too much attention. Instead they should blend in with whatever background they’re placed on. The card container is the only required element and it consists of a background color, rounded corners, and a thin border.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eleifend elit sed est egestas, a sollicitudin mauris tincidunt.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eleifend elit sed est egestas, a sollicitudin mauris tincidunt.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eleifend elit sed est egestas, a sollicitudin mauris tincidunt.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eleifend elit sed est egestas, a sollicitudin mauris tincidunt.
A card features header, body, and footer sections. Those sections should include a limited amount of content to ensure that the card doesn’t become too tall.
The header section is required, it introduces what the content is and shouldn’t be hidden.
The body section can include a headline, text, an icon, or sometimes an image. The body section describes the content in more detail and shouldn’t be hidden.
The footer section can include normal links or a call to action. It can be hidden if necessary if there’s content included where a user can take an action.
Responsive design
Cards will get thinner or move below each other on smaller screens.
Large screens
Small screens
16px spacer
24px spacer
32px spacer
48px spacer
Container padding
Container padding defines how far away content is from the edges of the component. When cards become wider, the container padding increases. When they become thinner, the container padding decreases.
Promo cards are available in four different configurations: standard, featured, full-width, and narrow.
Standard promo
A standard promo has a subtle border, but it uses the Lighter
or Darker
surface color. It does not have an image slot and the call to action appears
either to the left or right of the text.
Featured promo
A featured promo uses the Lightest
or Darkest
surface color with a subtle
border. An image can optionally appear on the left or right side of a promo.
Full-width promo
A full-width promo bleeds to the left and right edges of the screen. It does not
have a border. Similarly to a featured promo, a full-width promo can use either
the Lightest
or Darkest
surface color, and it can have no image or an image
positioned to the left or right of the text.
Narrow promo
A Narrow promo can fit into a section or container smaller than 296 pixels. It moves an image in any type of promo below the body text and call to action. This is also the configuration used on phone viewports for a featured, standard promo, or full-width promo.
The standard promo can set the Lighter
or Darker
color palettes. It can
appear on either light or dark backgrounds.
The featured and full-width promos can set the Lightest
and Darkest
palettes, and can appear on either light or dark backgrounds.
Responsive Design
When promos are viewed on phone viewports or added to small containers, they will use the Narrow promo configuration.
Except for narrow promos, spacing within the other promo configurations is a little different from Card.
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