Typography tokens

  1. Font family
  2. Size
  3. Font weights
  4. Line height
  5. Text color
  1. Font family
  2. Size
  3. Font weights
  4. Line height
  5. Text color

Font family

Ex. Token name Value Use case
Aa --rh-font-family-heading RedHatDisplay, 'Red Hat Display', 'Noto Sans Arabic', 'Noto Sans Hebrew', 'Noto Sans JP', 'Noto Sans KR', 'Noto Sans Malayalam', 'Noto Sans SC', 'Noto Sans TC', 'Noto Sans Thai', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif

Heading font family

Aa --rh-font-family-body-text RedHatText, 'Red Hat Text', 'Noto Sans Arabic', 'Noto Sans Hebrew', 'Noto Sans JP', 'Noto Sans KR', 'Noto Sans Malayalam', 'Noto Sans SC', 'Noto Sans TC', 'Noto Sans Thai', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif

Body text font family

Aa --rh-font-family-code RedHatMono, 'Red Hat Mono', 'Courier New', Courier, monospace

Code font family


Font size (text)

Ex. Token name Value Use case
Aa --rh-font-size-body-text-xs 0.75rem

12px font size

Aa --rh-font-size-body-text-sm 0.875rem

14px font size

Aa --rh-font-size-body-text-md 1rem

16px font size

Aa --rh-font-size-body-text-lg 1.125rem

18px font size

Aa --rh-font-size-body-text-xl 1.25rem

20px font size

Aa --rh-font-size-body-text-2xl 1.5rem

24px font size

Font size (code)

Ex. Token name Value Use case
Aa --rh-font-size-code-xs 0.75rem

12px font size

Aa --rh-font-size-code-sm 0.875rem

14px font size

Aa --rh-font-size-code-md 1rem

16px font size

Aa --rh-font-size-code-lg 1.125rem

18px font size

Aa --rh-font-size-code-xl 1.25rem

20px font size

Aa --rh-font-size-code-2xl 1.5rem

24px font size

Font size (headings)

Ex. Token name Value Use case
Aa --rh-font-size-heading-xs 1.25rem

h6 heading font size

Aa --rh-font-size-heading-sm 1.5rem

h5 heading font size

Aa --rh-font-size-heading-md 1.75rem

h4 heading font size

Aa --rh-font-size-heading-lg 2.25rem

h3 heading font size

Aa --rh-font-size-heading-xl 2.5rem

h2 heading font size

Aa --rh-font-size-heading-2xl 3rem

h1 heading font size

Font weights

Font weights (body)

Ex. Token name Value Use case
Aa --rh-font-weight-body-text-regular 400

Regular font weight

Aa --rh-font-weight-body-text-medium 500

Medium font weight

Font weights (code)

Ex. Token name Value Use case
Aa --rh-font-weight-code-regular 400

Regular font weight

Aa --rh-font-weight-code-medium 500

Medium font weight

Font weights (headings)

Ex. Token name Value Use case
Aa --rh-font-weight-heading-regular 300

Regular font weight for headings

Aa --rh-font-weight-heading-medium 500

Medium font weight for headings

Aa --rh-font-weight-heading-bold 700

Bold font weight for headings

Line height

Ex. Token name Value Use case
--rh-line-height-heading 1.3

Line height for headings

--rh-line-height-body-text 1.5

Line height for body text

--rh-line-height-code 1.5

Line height for code

Text color

Theme Tokens

Aa --rh-color-text-primary Aa --rh-color-text-secondary Aa --rh-color-text-brand


Ex. Token name Value Use case
Aa --rh-color-text-primary-on-light #151515

Primary text color for light theme

Aa --rh-color-text-primary-on-dark #ffffff

Primary text color for dark theme


Ex. Token name Value Use case
Aa --rh-color-text-secondary-on-light #4d4d4d

Secondary text color for light theme

Aa --rh-color-text-secondary-on-dark #c7c7c7

Secondary text color for dark theme


Ex. Token name Value Use case
Aa --rh-color-text-brand-on-light #ee0000

Brand text color for light theme

Aa --rh-color-text-brand-on-dark #ee0000

Brand text color for dark theme

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