On this page
On this page
Click the names of icons to copy their HTML code to your clipboard. To learn more about how to use icons in each set, visit Guidelines for the icon element. The icon element's page also has more information about implementing icons.
Standard icons
5g -
acorn -
agile-integration -
agile -
ai-ml -
air-filter -
alert -
amp -
analysis -
anchor -
api -
app-mobile -
app-on-server -
app-secured -
app-unsecured -
app-update -
app -
apple-core -
apps-multiple-secured -
apps-multiple-unsecured -
apps-multiple -
architect -
architecture -
arrow-directional -
assigned-desk -
atm -
atom -
automation -
award-ribbon -
backlog -
backup-recovery -
bandage -
bank-safe -
bar-graph -
barn -
battery -
beaker -
beehive -
binoculars -
bird -
blank-space -