Release notes
We are continually making changes in order to improve and grow the Red Hat Design System. If you think changes need to be made to a component, foundation, or anything else, please submit a GitHub issue.
Version 2.0.0
Released August 27, 2024
If you're upgrading to version 2.0, read our changelog for upgrade instructions.
Change | Type | Notes |
<rh-accordion> accessibility improvements |
Removed the heading-tag and heading-text attributes from the rh-accordion-header element to improve accessibility. |
<rh-accordion> API changes |
Removed the unused icon part (and attribute) and the (previously undocumented) container part from <rh-accordion-header> . Removed unused bordered attribute. |
<rh-footer> API changes |
Removed deprecated <rh-global-footer> element and deprecated global slot. Use <rh-footer-universal> element and universal slot. |
<rh-cta> API changes |
Removed read-only cta property; use data-analytics attributes instead. |
<rh-tabs> JavaScript API changes |
Removed deprectated RhTabs.isTab() and RhTabs.isPanel() static class methods. |
<rh-tabs> HTML/CSS API changes |
Removed deprectated theme attribute for the tabs and panels; use the --rh-tabs-active-border-color CSS property directly. |
<rh-dialog> API changes |
Removed deprecated --rh-modal-video-aspect-ratio CSS custom property. |
<rh-footer> API changes |
Removed deprecated CSS custom properties. |
<rh-table> API changes |
Removed deprecated CSS custom properties. |
<rh-spinner> API changes |
Removed deprecated color-palette attribute. |
<rh-cta> API changes |
Removed previously-deprecated color-palette attribute. |
<rh-alert> API changes |
Removed deprecated toast boolean attribute. |
<rh-navigation-secondary> API changes |
Removed deprecated alias <rh-secondary-nav> . |
<rh-tabs> API changes |
Removed box and vertical attributes from <rh-tab> ; set them on <rh-tabs> instead. |
Changed RHDS entrypoint | >
Removed the rhds.min.js entrypoint and replaced it with a module that reexports all our element modules. |
Added <rh-icon> |
Icons represents general concepts and can support text as a decorative element. The <rh-icon> element allows experience and content authors to add Red Hat icons of varying dimensions in the same area without shifting surrounding content. |
Added <rh-switch> |
A switch toggles the state of a setting (between on and off). Switches and checkboxes can often be used interchangeably, but the switch provides a more explicit, visible representation on a setting. |
Added <rh-health-index> |
Health index grades the health or security level of something. |
Added <rh-video-embed> |
A video embed is a graphical preview of a video overlayed with a play button. When clicked, the YouTube video will begin playing. |
Added <rh-breadcrumb> |
A breadcrumb navigation is a secondary navigation element consisting of a list of links to the parent pages of the current page in hierarchical order. It helps users find their place within a website or web application. |
Added promo variant to <rh-card> |
The promo card variant allows users to easily display text and optionally an image side by side. |
Added open variant and small size to <rh-pagination> |
Users can now further customize pagination by choosing which variant and size are most appropriate for their applications. |
Added static toast method to <rh-alert> |
The toast method allows for toast-like alert messages. |
Added dark color palette to <rh-pagination> |
Pagination now responds to themable containers like <rh-surface> . |
Added light DOM shim for <rh-cta> |
Added rh-cta-lightdom-shim.css as an optional file to help reduce layout shift before element is defined, where declarative shadow DOM is not an option. |
Added <rh-card> heading custom properties |
User can now cumstomize CSS custom properties for card headings. |
Added href attribute to <rh-cta> |
Users can now set the href directly on <rh-cta> rather than slotting an anchor tag. |
Added icon-set attribute to <rh-cta> |
Users can now choose an icon-set in their call-to-action. |
Fix <rh-tile-group> grid layout |
Corrected application of grid layout to slotted elements. |
Updated <rh-cta> focus states |
Changed focus states to mimic hover states and an additional outline. |
Version 1.4.0
Released April 22, 2024
Change | Type | Notes |
Added <rh-site-status> |
Website status communicates the operational status of a website or domain using a status icon and link. It is usually located in the Footer component. |
Added <rh-back-to-top> |
Back to top component is a fragment link that allows users to quickly navigate to the top of a lengthy content. |
Added <rh-skip-link> |
A skip link is used to skip repetitive content on a page. It is hidden by default and can be activated by hitting the Tab key after loading/refreshing a page. |
Updated <rh-code-block> |
Added line numbers option, "Show more" toggle, copy and wrap actions, to <rh-code-block> |
Updated <rh-menu> |
Improved focus accessibility for keyboard navigation users on Firefox. |
Updated <rh-button> |
Improved focus accessibility on Firefox. |
Updated <rh-accordion> |
Added an accents slot with placement options as inline and bottom. |
Updated <rh-alert> |
Make sure alerts always have to correct (lightest) color palette. |
Updated <rh-tabs> |
Allow tabs with long text content to fit into different-sized containers. |
Updated PatternFly Elements tooling | >
Patch update to dependencies, including Lit version 3. |
Version 1.3.0
Released January 11, 2024
Change | Type | Notes |
Added <rh-surface> |
a content container that provides accessible background and font color theming for its child elements. |
Updated to RH Tokens 2.0 |
Uses RHDS Tokens version 2.0. See v1.3 release notes for important info regarding this update. |
Updated <rh-tabs-panel> |
Tab Panels can now have their margin and padding overridden. |
Updated <rh-pagination> |
Added numeric CSS shadow part. |
Added accessible-label to <rh-tile> |
Tile's form control labels can now be customized. |
Fixed <rh-tile> radio and checkboxes |
Radio and checkbox tiles now submit their values in <form> elements. |
Version 1.2.0
Released October 16, 2023
Change | Type | Notes |
Added <rh-table> |
A table is a container for displaying information. It allows a user to scan, examine, and compare large amounts of data. |
Added <rh-tile> |
A tile is a flexible layout with a clickable and contained surface. |
Added <rh-timestamp> |
Provides consistent formats for displaying date and time values. |
Added <rh-navigation-secondary> current page indicator support |
Updated support for a current page indicator using aria-current="page" . |
Fixed <rh-card> header slot |
Card's header slot now displays items vertically instead of stacking, allowing for more than one item to display in the header. |
Improved keyboard navigation on <rh-navigation-secondary> |
Secondary Navigation now has improved keyboard navigation. |
Fixed <rh-cta> brick variant |
Brick variants of calls to action (CTAs) are now full width. |
Version 1.1.0
Released July 5, 2023
Change | Type | Notes |
Added <rh-card> |
Card creates a component with a header, body, and footer. The header and footer are optional. |
Added <rh-audio-player> |
Audio-player creates a custom UI for audio files. |
Added <rh-code-block> |
A container for a block of code. May be composed into a toolbar or contain copy buttons or other interactive components. |
Added new CSS custom properties for <rh-tooltip> |
New CSS custom properties, like --rh-tooltip-arrow-size , --rh-tooltip-content-background-color , and more! |
Added outline variant for <rh-tag> |
Now you can use variant="outline" . |
Version 1.0.0
Released April 3, 2023
Change | Type | Notes |
Added <rh-cta> |
A Call to Action is a styled link that directs a user to other pages or sometimes displays hidden content. |
Added <rh-secondary-nav> |
A non-primary navigation for products and subcategory pages. |
Added <rh-global-footer> |
A standalone global footer component. |
Renamed <rh-global-footer> to <rh-footer-universal> |
Renamed the global slot to universal. |
Renamed <rh-secondary-nav> to <rh-navigation-secondary> |
Renamed the component and all sub components to <rh-navigation-secondary-*> . |
Added <rh-spinner> |
Spinner consists of an animated circle and sometimes a message, and it indicates that a section is loading. |
Added <rh-button> |
Button is a form-associated custom element. Buttons allow users to perform an action when triggered. |
Added <rh-tag> |
A tag is an inline-block element component that provides a distinct visual style for metadata in a UI. |
Added <rh-blockquote> |
Displays a quote with author's name and title. |
Added <rh-subnav> |
The subnav component is used when an alternate navigation structure is needed to provide additional navigation on a site that does not need the product branding or structural depth that rh-secondary-nav provides. |
Added <rh-tabs> |
A tab set of layered content, including tab widgets and their associated tab panel. |
Added <rh-accordion> |
Accordion displays multiple, related disclosure widgets. |
Added <rh-alert> |
An alert displays auxiliary information on a website. An alert can have one of several states of severity. |
Added <rh-avatar> |
An Avatar is a placeholder graphic for a photo or an image that is placed to the left or on top of text. |
Added <rh-pagination> |
Pagination is a web component for navigating paginated content. |
Added <rh-stat> |
An element which can be used to display statistics inside of an app. |
Added <rh-badge> |
A badge is used to annotate other information with numerical content. |
Added <rh-tooltip> |
A tooltip displays floating content next to a portion of inline content. |
Added <rh-footer> |
A universal footer component. |
Older versions
For release notes on older versions, please view our release notes on GitHub.
Other libraries
To learn more about our other libraries, visit this page.
To give feedback about anything on this page, contact us.
For an up-to-date outline of what we're working on and what we're planning to do in the Red Hat Design System, visit our roadmap.