Video embed



The video embed element consists of a semitransparent play button with a video thumbnail that overlays the embedded video when it is not playing. There is also an optional slot for a caption that describes the video.


Anatomy of a video component with numbered annotations.
  1. Thumbnail
  2. Play button
  3. Caption


The video embed element is available in both light and dark themes. It can include either a light or a dark play button, depending on the thumbnail image underneath.

The user is currently responsible for setting the play button color and preventing color contrast issues between the button and the video thumbnail. If an image is on a light color palette or if its video thumbnail image uses mostly light colors, use a light theme play button for accessibility and vice versa.

Light theme video with the Red Hat logo and a play button on a light gray background Dark theme video with the Red Hat logo and a play button on a black background



The caption can be left-, right-, or center-aligned, depending on how the video is oriented. By default, it is left-aligned.

Video with caption, below, left aligned Video with caption, below, center aligned Video with caption, below, right aligned


Space values remain the same at all viewport sizes.

Diagram of spacing for video


Interaction states are visual representations used to communicate the status of an element or pattern.


The play button’s opacity increases upon hover.

Light theme video on a gray background with a darker play button on hover Dark theme video on a black background with a lighter play button on hover


On focus, the entire video embed element is outlined by a focus ring, and the play button uses the same opacity as the hover state.

Light theme video with a focus ring outlining the video and a darker play button Dark theme video with a focus ring outlining the video and a lighter play button


The active state is the same as the focus state.

Light theme video with a focus ring outlining the video and a darker play button Dark theme video with a focus ring outlining the video and a lighter play button