On this page
Pagination is a horizontal row of square containers that include a control button or page number in the middle. A maximum of seven pages can be displayed before truncation and the appearance of the page input field. The page input field includes a text label, field, and link to the last page. Pagination with truncation must include a page input field so users can access hidden pages.
- First page
- Previous page
- Inactive page
- Active page
- Next page
- Last page
- Navigation controls
- Truncation
- Page input field
- Page numbers
Box variant
The box variant shows a background color for each page number and navigation control. When a page is active, a blue border appears at the top of the button.
Open variant
The open variant has transparent backgrounds for all buttons. The active state for a page number shows a blue border on the bottom.
There are two available sizes: Default and Small.
The default pagination button size is --rh-size-icon-4.1
The small pagination button size is --rh-size-icon-03
. The page input field size does not change.
Pagination is available in both light and dark themes. Consumers should strive to place Pagination only on lightest and darkest surface colors to prevent background colors of the box variant from bleeding into the surface background color.
Light theme
Dark theme
The page input field can be horizontally or vertically centered with pagination.
The width of page number buttons, navigation control buttons, and truncation stays the same.
Compact Configuration
Compact pagination omits the page numbers and moves the page input field between the navigation controls. This should be used occasionally and only in layouts with very little space for a pagination element.
Helpful tip
If you have enough space, the mobile version, which has the full page input field to the right or below, is preferred.
The compact configuration comes in both the box and open variant styles. It’s also available in the default and small sizes.
Active page
Styles for the active page are different from inactive pages so users can see their location. In the box and open variants, active pages show a blue border either at the top or bottom. Active page styles do not apply to control buttons because they are not page numbers.
Helpful tip
Active page styles are not visible in the compact configuration because there are no page numbers.
The examples below show active page styles for page 4.
Space values are the same for both sizes, both variants, and on all viewport sizes.
Spacing between buttons and the page input field stays the same, whether the input field is to the right or below.
The compact configuration maintains the 2px spacing between the navigation controls, and the spacing for the page input field remains the same as well. There is a large space (var(--rh-space-lg, 16px)
) on either side of the page input field.
Interaction states
Interactive elements include control and inactive page buttons, the page input field, and last page link.
Control and inactive page number buttons have the same hover state. Truncation is not interactive so it has no hover state.
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