

Keyboard interactions

A user should have the ability to navigate to and interact with alerts using their keyboard.

Example of the keyboard navigation tab stops on both inline and toast variant alerts
Key Result
Tab Moves focus to the next interactive element (e.g., from the close button to the first action button in the alert)
Shift + Tab Moves focus to the previous interactive element (e.g., from the first action button in the alert back to the close button)
Enter Selects the close button, an action button, or link/td>

Focus order

A logical focus order helps users understand and operate our websites and products. Elements need to receive focus in an order that preserves meaning. Therefore the focus order should make sense and not jump around randomly.

Focus goes to action buttons and to the close button last

ARIA Authoring Practices Guide (APG)

Learn to use the accessibility semantics defined by the Accessible Rich Internet Application (ARIA) specification to create accessible web experiences.

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Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

Understanding documents provide detailed explanations for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) guidelines and success criteria.